Telecommunication is a type of communication which deals with sending and receiving messages through special media in the form of light waves, electronic signal etc.
The exchange of information using suitable medium in the form of light signals, electronic is called telecommunication.

Trend in telecommunication technology

Trend in telecommunication technology have a great implication on the management. A manager should be aware of the major trends like industry technology one application trends.
In industry trend private companies provides the telecommunication facility to businesses. Previously government provided telecommunication facilities however now privet companies offer such facility. Number of companies now provides business a choice of everything from local to global Radio and internet services etc.
The explosive growth of internet based technology has widened the ways people use the World Wide Web facilities. In response business had increased the use of internet for E-commerce and collaboration.
Previously business organizations used analog signals for communication. However there were a lot of problems associated with such communication. Now organization ore using digital communication system instead of analog communication. This provides speed performance and reliability. It reduces the cot error frequency and labor. Another technology trend is from copper to fiber optic, as a media of communication.
Copper media is a media with speed barriers and electromagnetic interference. Fiber optic media is free from all such interference.
In technology trend there are a number of open system is veal world which interacts on continuous basis with each other.
Application ( a set of software) previously used in computers are new shifting to telecommunication technology now, application are developed keeping in mind the telecommunication networks. So to facilitate telecommunication facilities these new application are capable of interacting with other application system in environment which make communication process speedy and most reliable.


Telecommunication is an important tool for today’s business organizations. No organization can complete without the successful implementation of telecommunication technology. Organization will have to exchange information for their operations and decision making and using telecommunication technology make possible it. Now day’s organizations managers their information system resources through telecommunication Data, hardware, software, and human resources are controlled by managers using telecommunication technologies. Telecommunication today has attained a great importance as it is a question of success and failure for large business organizations. It will have to pay due attention to telecommunication facilities in order to complete in the global market.

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