Data resource management:

Data are vital organizational resource that to be managed effectively like other important assets. Today any business cannot survive with effectively management of data about internal and external environment. That is why organization and their employees practice data resource management that the set of managerial activities that applies information system and data management tools to manage effectively the organization data. Such as data will be beneficial for all stakeholders of organization who use such data.

Foundation concepts:

Before going further let us explain some foundation concepts used in data resource management.

1: Character:

Character is the most logical concept used in data resource management which consists of a single alphabetic, number or symbol. From a user of view a character is the most basic element of data can be observed and manipulated.

2: Field:

The next higher level or data item is field. A field consists of grouping of relating characters. For example: the grouping of alphabets in a person. Name, because name field. Similarly the sales figure may form a sale field. Basically a data field represent on attributes of specific entity. For example an employee salary is and attribute that is used to describe and entity who is employee if that organization.

3: Record:

Related fields are grouped to form a record. In other words the group of related fields is called record. Thus a record represents the collection of attributes that describes an entity. An example of record is a person’s payroll which shows related data fields such as person name, personal number, destination wage type etc.

4: File:

A group of records in data base is called file or table. Thus the employee file would contain the records of frequently classified as inventory file transaction file and document file.

5: Database:

Database is the integration of large data elements into a logically combined data pool. A data base consolidates data which was previously stored in spare file into a logically arranged from for various purposes. Thus data base is a large data element which shows entities and their relationship.

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